The plan is to starve and shrink the tumour using diet, supplements and natural medicines to a point where minimal targeted chemo is effective. My hope is that I would then not need to undergo dangerous and life-changing surgery.
DIET. Includes no sugar and minimal carbs (banana).
As I can’t at this point get food or even water down my osophagus past the cancer without setting off violent acid response, all food must go down a feeding tube and be no thicker than milk. The challenge is get enough calories from fats and protein without carbs.
I am following Ayurvedic principles to keep my digestive system working with this new and limited diet. As a vata type I need warming spices –ginger, cinnamon, cardamom etc – and lots of hydration. I use warm ghee as an external massage on the area.
The day starts with me juicing celery or a mix of green leafy vegetables.
The main food of the day is full cream milk with additional flaxseed, hemp or avocado oil. Additional food is light dhal, or bananas with coconut water, which provide great nutrition but fairly limited calories.
Every couple of days I receive a potent IV infusion of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. 10 of these are planned. My dietician also recommended many supplements. The ones that can be safely taken down the tube are: milk thistle, selenium, Vitamin D3+K2, electrolytes, astralgus, Reishi drops and MCT C8.
We await the results of a chemo sensitivity test done in USA, which will identify the precise metabolic pathways of my cancer. I will then receive infusions based on the cancer’s sensitivity to such powerful anti-cancer substances as high dose Vitamin C, artemisia, mistletoe, forms of oxygen etc.
Assuming a suitable chemo is identified and available here in UK, I may well need this to complement all of the above.
I talk a lot to my cancer. After all it is just part of me that’s got out of control and is desperately reproducing out of fear. I am friends with it, and am encouraging it to let go of fear and retreat quietly to a harmless corner of my body. Then we can both enjoy many more years of fun! I have used cannabis oil a few times during this process to help me tune in to the experiences and traumas of my life that have contributed to this fear. They have been purging, exhilarating sessions, with both tears and laughter, sometimes in the same moment!
Without Naveena’s love, devotion and tireless energy none of this would be possible because my energy is limited (BMI is 15.7). Buying, processing and cleaning up the food alone is hours of work. Then there’s daily laundry (I stink of cancer as it releases through my sweat glands) and extra cleaning. This is on top of caring for a fifteen year-old girl and running a household in which I can no longer take part as I used to.
The loving support of friends in our local Osho and Steiner school communities has been a revelation. So many people are there for us, and stepping in to offer help. I’m starting to understand how good it makes us human feels to give. And, naturally, bubbling up in me is a gratitude that makes me feel good. It’s a love fest! Even the hospital staff seem to be going out of their way to help us. They respond happily to such oddball characters as me and Naveena, and the way we treat them with loving respect for what they are doing.
Our home is simply too small to house a sick 70 year-old, a blooming young middle-aged mother and a fifteen-year old girl. The tiny spare room in which I now have to sleep (I can’t disturb Naveena in our bedroom with my stink and nightly ramblings) is two separate flights of stairs away from the bathroom. We live essentially in the kitchen as the only room we can really keep warm (this is a character-full, two-hundred year old English stone cottage – uninsulated and dark). Koyal can’t be comfortably bringing her friends or boyfriend around, Naveena too needs a life apart from me.
Luckily we have space at the end of the garden to extend our little summerhouse with the addition of a toilet, shower and proper electrics. This will become my retreat space
If you feel able to support this financially please click on the GoFundMe link.